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  • 1 Board/Forum Rules
GM DrakenDate: Saturday, 07.14.2012, 9:12 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 21
Reputation: 100
Status: Offline
Board/Forum Rules

Each User agrees with his/her registration to the following
Forum rules. The Forum Staff holds up the right to warn, censor
and ban Users if the Users do not follow the rules.

• Every User may register and use one account. Multiple registrations and usage of several accounts may lead to a banning of all accounts. In cases where two or more users are either usually, sometimes or on occasion sharing an IP address and have accounts on the board, Forum staff MUST be informed. Failure to do so may result in a permanent ban. Report any instances of IP sharing to the Forum Admin(FA) or a Moderator(Mod).
• In extreme cases which are defined on each case individually Users might be banned ingame. The same goes vice versa. The rules do apply for forums posts and personal messages (PMS).
• The whole forum or board is included in the Terms and Conditions of It also means that the Owners are not responsible for any posted pictures or links which are copyrighted. The Rules and Regulation are simply made by Member or Staff of, Therefore this Laws will be apply ONLY in TANTRA-MAGNUM.COM

Attitude on the forums

To guarantee a relaxed atmosphere between all
participants on the forum, some posting restrictions
are needed.

• The Forum/Board language is English and Tagalog. No other Languages is to be used anywhere on the Forums, e.g. in Posts, Signatures, Avatars etc.
• Posting contents and links of pornographic, politically extremist, immoral and offensive material which may breach applicable laws are forbidden. It is also not allowed to post keys, hacks, cracks or other things of illegal nature, including illegal download pages and "warez". Or even TPP, Discussion of such items will lead to an immediate warning.

The announcement of contents which come under the law of data security or copyright as well as requests for posting something like that.
• Posting of any personal messages or discussions, without the consent of all involved parties are forbidden.
• Posting of contents which do not belong to the topic/ relevant forum (Spam/Offtopic) are undesired and may lead to a warning. An exception of this is the Spamboard. This includes postings which only point out breaches of the rules (Backseat Modding).This is up to the Forum team. 'Bumping' old threads is also not allowed.
• Spamming of emoticons and images is not allowed due to the fact that it may freeze peoples’ computers (no more than 10 smilies per post. Smilies also count if quoted from previous posts). Images or postings which are side exceeding (means one has to scroll vertically or/and horizontally to read all) are not allowed.
• Contents, links, user Names etc. with the only aim to flame and insult other participants of the community are forbidden. Same goes for trolling: posts solely intended to annoy other people or incite flames.
• Contents of inappropriate language and excessive cursing are not allowed.
• Advertisement and linking to other browser games or online game not owned by Tantra Magnum Team, is not allowed on the whole forums. Links to games with the aim to count every visitor are not allowed. (Bite Links)
• It's not allowed to post for banned people. If you do so, it results in a warning for you. The sharing of accounts with people who are banned from the Forum will also incur a ban for the account holder.
• Impersonation of a Staff member (Name, Avatar, and Signature) may lead to a warning or in extreme cases to a ban.
• Misuse of the report button is forbidden.
• Discussion of board/ game bans or warnings is not permitted in the public forums, this may result in further bans or warnings. Please discuss these issues with the MODERATORS/ FORUM ADMIN involved or their superior only.


Signature Pictures may not exceed the following measurements

Height: 150 px - Width: 500 px and the datafile can't exceed: 80 kb

• Anything that is used as an exploit to circumvent the rules, means posting at the end of the post siglike pictures and other that makes the sig appear larger, is not allowed.
• Staff members may be permitted to have larger signatures at the discretion of the Administration.

Forum Staff and User Responsibilities

Each Forum participant has to obey to the Rules. If you feel warned unfairly, first contact the Moderators (MOD) who gave the warning. In extreme cases you have the right to talk to a Forum Admin (FA). The Forum Admins’(FA) word is final.

The same applies if your Topic gets closed. Please do not open several threads on the same topic and try to use the search.

Several warnings may lead to a ban from the Forum. Each case is looked at individually. Reregistering a sec

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